Monday, February 4, 2013


The NFL wants to return to Mexico, though Commissioner Roger Goodell won't say when.

Back in 2005, Azteca Stadium in Mexico City was the site of the league's first regular-season game outside the United States. But the league hasn't been back, despite playing in Toronto and - now regularly - in London.

Goodell says the league is perfecting things in England.

''We have to make sure that whenever we do come back to Mexico, and I expect we will, that we do it successfully, with the right kind of television support, fan support and sponsor involvement,'' Goodell said.

''I would expect if we are successful in the UK, where we thankfully are continuing to grow, that we'll have the opportunity to get back there,'' Goodell said. ''And the sooner, the better for me.''

- Nancy Armour -

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